Limestone is prized for flooring because of its rich natural coloring and durability. With proper maintenance, a limestone floor can last a lifetime. Fortunately, the stone is not a high-maintenance material, so care is relatively easy.

Daily Care

One of the main issues with any stone floor is abrasion. Over time, abrasive materials can scratch the surface and dull the finish. Further, these small scratches collect dirt, which then makes the floor look grimy even when it is clean. Fortunately, daily sweeping of high-traffic areas and weekly sweeping of low-traffic areas will prevent abrasion. Use a soft-bristle broom for textured limestone, as these bristles will remove the dirt from the texturing. A dust mop is sufficient for polished, smooth limestone flooring.

Weekly Mopping

A deeper cleaning is necessary about once a week to remove any grime that can't be swept up. Use a soft, non-abrasive mop, such as a string or sponge mop, along with a cleanser made specifically for stone flooring. Before you mop, sweep the floor thoroughly. Mop once with the cleanser, then perform a second pass with clean water to remove the residue. You can allow the floor to air dry or you can dry it with a soft towel.

Stain Removal

Although limestone doesn't stain easily, it can happen. Usually, stains are only on the surface and you can rub them out with a soft sponge saturated in a bit of stone floor cleaner. Stains that contain oil may penetrate somewhat deeper. In this case, you need to make what is called a poultice. Mix baking soda with acetone or combine chalk powder with peroxide into a thick paste. There are also commercially made poultice stain removers available. Spread the poultice over the stain and allow it to dry and draw out the stain. Rinse off the poultice with clean water and then mop and the area as usual.


Periodic sealing will help protect the floor from stains and minor abrasions. How often you seal depends on the traffic in your home. Test the seal annually by pouring a small amount of water on a high-traffic area of flooring. If the water soaks into the floor, then it's time to have your floor professionally resealed. If the water beads up on the surface, then you can postpone resealing for another year.

Contact a limestone dealer in your area for more help or to learn more.
